Monday, February 27, 2017

Glad to See It

I was so glad to see the celebrities at the 89th Academy Awards ceremony last night wearing blue ribbons in support of prostate cancer awareness. It's about time this disease got some publicity on the scale of the breast canceer awareness pink ribbon program.

This fashion tidbit was described in a Washington Post news story, the front part of which was published in the Albuquerque Journal under the headline Blue ribbon in fashion at Oscars. As the story said,

The gesture was simple and spoke for itself. There was no need, and perhaps no desire, to launch into a long, high-volume explanation. Hollywood loves its symbolic ribbons. For AIDS awareness, for gay rights, for human rights. And now, here was another
Glad to see more celebrities paying attention to the need for awareness of this terrible disease.

1 comment:

  1. Unfortunately the Oscar Blue Ribbons were not in support of prostate cancer awareness but for the ACLU.
