Sunday, April 5, 2015


New Mexico is a land of traditions. One of them is the pilgrimage on Good Friday.

There are actually several. The pilgrimage to Chimayo is perhaps the most famous, with people walking long distances to the small church in that small village. But there is also one closer to home, winding down Highway 47 near Los Lunas and up the hill called Tomé.

The crest of Tomé Hill at dawn

They start arriving in the early morning and keep coming through much of the day. They climb the hill to arrive at the three crosses on its crest. Some come with family members or close friends. Some come in groups from various churches. Some come to fulfill personal vows. In all cases, however, the pilgrims' actions commemorate events on another hill, half a world away and almost two thousand years ago.

Pilgrims at the top of Tomé Hill on Good Friday

Those events were on the original Good Friday, and were the precursors to the first Easter. Today we commemorate that first Easter and all it represents. And we remember that Easter would not have been possible without Good Friday.

Wishing you all a happy and blessed Easter!

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