Tuesday, February 8, 2011

TSA Charges Fail

Back in November of 2009, a man refused to show ID to TSA personnel at the Albuquerque Sunport (the airport here). He also started filming the officials' process and their confrontation with him.

Naturally, the TSA had him arrested.

It took fourteen months to bring him to trial. But now, after a two-day trial, an Albuquerque jury has acquitted him on all four charges that were filed against him. The defense commented on the outcome: "I think probably most significantly from the case we found via testimony from a (Transportation Security Administration) representative and from an Albuquerque police officer, they both testified that, in no uncertain terms, you do not have to show ID in order to fly and that you can use cameras in public areas of the airport."

Consider this one small blow in favor of the individual, and one small blow against the out-of-control bureaucracy.

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