Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Obama vs. Rule of Law

President Barack Obama really wants to be a dictator. He wishes he could be a tyrant whose every word stands in place of the law and is carried out by his cronies.

If there was ever any doubt about that, consider the Obama Administration's deep-water drilling moratorium. In striking it down, Federal District Court Judge Martin Feldman noted that it was justified on the basis of false statements by the Secretary of the Interior that abused "reason and common sense." He also blasted the Administration for lying about the views of the experts brought in to evaluate the situation.

(He) said the government, without justification, arbitrarily made the sweeping conclusion that 'all Gulf deepwater drilling activities put us in a universal threat of irreparable harm.' That arbitrary conclusion already was causing irreparable economic harm to the Gulf region, he said.
It was abritrary and capricious. And here's why: The Obama people didn't care about reality or about legitimate justifications — they only cared about getting what they wanted and doing whatever was necessary to accomplish that.

They didn't like Judge Feldman's decision, so they appealed it. So far, so good. But even before the Court of Appeals heard the case, Interior Secretary Ken Salazar announced he would issue a new, slightly different moratorium order. In other words, Barack Obama and his fellow travelers don't care about the courts or the rule of law. They just want their way.

And now they have carried out their threat and issued a new moratorium order that "amounts to the exact same ban", functionally idential to the ban the courts threw out as unjustified. And the deep-water drilling rigs have started leaving American waters, going places they won't have to fight "the Obama Administration’s nonstop bid to halt production" in the Gulf of Mexico.

This is incredible arrogance, as well as deliberate disregard for a foundational American governing principle. That shouhd have Secretary Salazar summoned into court immediately to attempt to explain to Judge Feldman why he chose to deliberately flout the judge's order (even though it was upheld on appeal) and why he shouldn't be jailed for contempt of court. And in my view Secretary Salazar should be in jail, and kept there until his (Obama's) unjustified moratorium is ended and the Interior Department ends its orders halting all new drilling in the Gulf of Mexico (which the Department is denying even though it has been implementing it even to the point of rescinding permits granted just the day before.

We truly are being ruled by a rogue regime.

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