Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Merely a Political Ideology

This is evidence, if not quite (here) up to proof, that Islam — or at least Islamism — is a political ideology masquerading as a religion. Masquerading. It's not actually a religion, it's merely a political ideology.

How can I be sure? Easy: No religion can support an atheist ideology. No religious teacher, believing in any sort of supreme being, can preach a godless and anti-god philosophy and belief structure. Yet, that's what's happening in mosques across the Middle East (and elsewhere). And then, of course, those preached at go out and demonstrate their support of the atheistic ideas they've been taught.

We shouldn't be surprised. Aside from its consistent drive for power, the defining characteristic of Islam is that it has always been socialist — and totalitarian — as demonstrated within the past hundred years by the Grand Mufti of Jerusalem supporting the National Socialists in Germany and coaching them in their "final solution", and by the current close alliance between the Socialist Workers' Party and both the Muslim Brotherhood and its New Arab left.

Islamism and socialism — national or international — are merely political ideologies. They have always been close siblings, nearly twins. And both have been political ideologies since their beginnings. It's just that a political ideology in the seventh century automatically came with a veneer of religion. There was then no other way. But that was and is just a mask, a disguise of convenience, a masquerade. That mask enabled Mohammed and his successors to establish political dominance over broad areas in the ideology's earliest years. It was a mask the followers of Karl Marx, centuries later, didn't need.

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