Saturday, February 14, 2009

Why the Rush?

No hope — just fear.

President Obama has been saying the stimulus bill must be rushed through, and that any delay “will turn crisis into a catastrophe and guarantee a longer recession.” His supporters have also been working overtime to make Americans fear the future so they can get this bill passed.

Others have suggested another reason Congressional Democrats feel the need to rush: “The responsibilities of leadership have a way of broadening a president's views. Democrats want to act before that happens.

I don’t think these adequately explain it. (I especially doubt the second reason — so far — given that Obama sent a White House aircraft to drag Senator Sherrod Brown from his mother’s wake to cast the deciding vote for this bill.) I think the Administration and Congressional Democrats are afraid that, if they don’t act right now, the recession will end before they can do something so they can claim credit for the improvement.

So, now that this massive, monstrous “stimulus” spending bill has been passed — with the President sure to sign it — what can we expect from it? I think Albuquerque Journal cartoonist John Trever is right on point (as usual):

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