Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Waterboarding Demonstration

The Associated Press reports "Protesters staged a waterboarding Monday outside the Justice Department, calling for a Senate committee to reject attorney general nominee Michael Mukasey because of his reluctance to define the interrogation tactic as torture." The picture at left shows the waterboarding, and was published with the report.

What struck me in this story is that the demonstrators clearly do not believe waterboarding is torture, no matter what they pretend. Their demonstration demonstrates this. If they believed waterboarding to be torture, they might have simulated it, but they absolutely would not subject one of their own to it. The fact they performed an actual waterboarding, rather than merely a simulation, clearly demonstrates they know it's not torture.

UPDATE: James Taranto (Best of the Web - Not Torture After All) comes to the same conclusion.


  1. To write such nonsense is beyond belief. Let's see you on the board before you make such a B.S. claim. Just because your own lack of humanity does not allow you to comprehend the fact that some of us might actually submit to REAL torture, if we thought it might put an end to our nation's illegal use of it, does not exclude waterboarding from being REAL TORTURE. By such logic, you would also say that being tazer'ed is not so painful, since people volunteered as test subjects. Yet when interviewed afterward, subjects indicated it was so painfull that if a tazer were ever pointed at them as a threat, and they held a gun, they would shoot the person to prevent being tazed!

  2. To write such nonsense is beyond belief. Let's see you on the board before you make such a B.S. claim. Just because your own lack of humanity does not allow you to comprehend the fact that SOME of us might actually submit to REAL torture, if we thought it might put an end to our nation's illegal use of it, does not exclude waterboarding from being REAL TORTURE. By such logic, you would also conclude that being tazer'ed is not so painful, since people volunteered as test subjects. Yet when interviewed afterward, subjects indicated it was so painfull that if a tazer were ever pointed at them as a threat, and they held a gun, they would nor hesitate to shoot the person to prevent being tazed!
