Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Iran's Ransom Demand

According to news reports, the Iranian government is demanding an admission from the British government that the its sailors and marines were captured inside Iran's territorial waters before Iran will consider releasing them. This despite the fact that Iran very well knows the hostages were kidnapped from within Iraqi territory. That's even proven by the GPS coordinates Iran gave to Britain to "prove" the sailors transgressed, which clearly showed the attack was in Iraqi waters. (When the British pointed this out, the Iranians responded by providing a new set of coordinates.)

Iran desperately wants to save some face. It has gotten caught in a lie and a fraud, and hopes to avoid responsibility for the actions of its rogue Republican Guard unit which operated in such a negligent manner in committing an act of war against both Britain and Iraq.

But the bottom line is that Iran expects Britain to lie as part of the ransom to be paid for the release release of the hostages Iran well knows were kidnapped from within Iraqi territory. That shouldn't really be surprising. The government of Iran has no honor and lies constantly. So, of course, they would automatically project similar ill behavior onto other governments.

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